Guest Post Guidelines

Guest Post Mom Blog

Why Guest Post with Us?

We would love to feature your individual experiences in a rich and experience-filled post that represents the diverse and wonderful world of parenting, travel, and technology. Here’s why guest posting on Parent Intel could be a valuable experience for you – plus you get a backlink!

Share Your Journey

Each parent’s journey is filled with unique experiences, trials, and joyous moments. Your story could be the beacon of light for another parent navigating similar paths. Sharing your journey on our platform allows you to touch lives, share wisdom, and perhaps even learn something new yourself through the interactions with our community.

Reach a Like-Minded Audience

Our readers are passionate about family, adventure, and technology – just like you! By sharing your insights and stories here, you’re speaking directly to an engaged, like-minded audience that appreciates and values your perspective. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect and grow your own following as well.

Collaborative Growth

Community is at the heart of everything we do at Parent Intel. When you contribute a guest post, you become a valuable member of a community that supports each other in growth. Your insights might foster new discussions, spark fresh ideas, and contribute to a collaborative learning environment that benefits all.

Guest Post Topics We Love

We are always on the lookout for fresh and vibrant content that resonates with our blog’s theme. Here are the topics that we absolutely love and believe our readers would appreciate:

Parenting Tips & Tricks

Share your golden nuggets of wisdom about raising kids, navigating the hurdles of parenthood, and creating a loving, nurturing environment for your family. Whether it’s about managing tantrums or fostering a strong sibling bond, your tips can be a great addition to our repository of parenting advice.

Family Travel Adventures

Do you have a family travel story that left a mark on you? We’d love to hear about your adventures, be it a serene beach vacation or an exciting city expedition. Tips on travelling with kids, destination guides, or simply sharing your memorable experiences can be a great read for our audience.

Babymoon Experiences

Ah, the sweet time before the little bundle of joy arrives! We are eager to host stories of romantic getaways, relaxation tips, and your personal babymoon experiences that would inspire couples to plan that perfect pre-baby retreat.

AI & Chat GPT Insights

Are you a tech-savvy parent with insights on the role of AI in our daily lives? We are particularly interested in hosting content that explores the integration of technology, like GPT, into parenting and family life. Whether it’s about educational apps, family organization tools, or simply the marvels of AI, your expertise would be a fantastic addition to our blog.

We look forward to hosting your stories, experiences, and insights on these topics. Together, we can create a space that is rich with information, empathy, and community spirit.

Writing Guidelines

Creating a guest post that resonates with our readers is an art. To help you craft a masterpiece that aligns with the spirit of our blog, here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Original Content

Your post should be 100% original and not published elsewhere. We value authentic experiences and fresh perspectives, so please bring your unique voice and story to our community.

Tone of Voice

Our blog embodies a friendly, supportive, and positive tone. We encourage you to write in a manner that is engaging, inclusive, and encourages constructive discussion. Remember, our goal is to foster a community where everyone feels welcomed and valued.

Length of the Post

We believe that a well-articulated story takes its own time to unfold. Generally, we recommend your post to be between 800-1500 words to maintain a good balance between detail and readability.

Proper Attribution

Giving credit where it’s due is essential. Please ensure to cite your sources appropriately if your post includes data, statistics, or quotes from external sources.

Submission Process

We are thrilled that you’re considering contributing to our blog. To ensure a smooth collaboration, here is a step-by-step guide to our submission process:

How to Submit Your Post

Please submit your post in a Google Doc format to [email protected]. Ensure your submission includes a brief bio about yourself along with any social media links or websites you would like to be featured.

Editorial Review Process

Once we receive your submission, our editorial team will review it to ensure it aligns with our guidelines and the overall tone of our blog. We reserve the right to make minor edits to enhance the clarity and readability of the post. Rest assured, we will communicate any significant changes for your approval before publishing.

Publication Timeline

We understand the effort that goes into creating a post, and we appreciate your patience as we review submissions. Typically, the review process takes about 2 weeks. Once approved, we will inform you of the expected publication date.

SEO Guidelines

To amplify the reach of your post and ensure it gets the visibility it deserves, adhering to the following SEO guidelines is pivotal:

Keyword Utilization

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your post to enhance its search engine ranking. If you’re writing about parenting tips, for instance, think of what a parent might type into a search engine to find the insights you’re providing.

Internal & External Linking

Including links to other reputable sources can bolster the credibility of your post. Similarly, linking to relevant articles from our blog can provide readers with more value and keep them engaged. We encourage you to include 2-3 internal and external links in your post.

Image Guidelines

Images can break the monotony of text and make your post more engaging. If you’re including images, ensure that they are of high quality and that you have the rights to use them. Please also provide alt text for each image to enhance SEO.


We are incredibly excited to potentially welcome you into our community of contributors at Parent Intel. Our blog thrives on the diverse voices and unique stories that guest posters like you bring to our platform.

Remember, your experiences and insights could be the comforting advice or the spark of inspiration that another parent or family is seeking. So, put your heart into your writing, and together let’s create a space that fosters community, collaboration, and support.

We look forward to receiving your submission and thank you for considering Parent Intel as the platform to share your journey, wisdom, and insights.

Ready to share your story with the Parent Intel community? We invite you to submit your guest post and begin a collaboration with us. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch at [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you!