Now that you have a newborn, you’re probably wondering about a whole bunch of things, including how fast newborns grow out of newborn clothes. Trust me, understanding clothing sizes for newborn babies can save you both time and money, not to mention a little less stress.
We have 3 boys but as new parents, we had way too many newborn clothes with our first. Especially with the baby shower, everybody wants to get you a cute newborn outfit. But when he was born at 8 lbs 5 oz, he didn’t last all that long in his newborn outfits. I don’t think he ever wore a newborn outfit more than once.
We planned a lot better with the second two and had a much better idea of what to expect. We didn’t overspend on all of the awesome newborn outfits out there – and there are a lot of cool ones! Instead, we prepared with 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. We only bought newborn clothes and diapers on an as-needed basis.
Hopefully we can help you avoid some of our mistakes with our first and prepare like a seasoned pro parent.
Let’s get into it.
Do Newborns Grow Out of Clothes Quickly?
You’ve probably heard it before: babies grow like weeds. And let me tell you, it’s not an exaggeration. Newborn babies experience rapid growth, especially in the first few weeks and months of life. It’s not uncommon for babies to double their birth weight by the time they are 3-6 months old.
In general, the average weight of a full-term newborn is about 7.5 pounds, and they usually grow about 1.5 to 2 pounds a month in the first few months. What does this mean for those newborn outfits you’ve got folded and ready? You might find that your baby outgrows them quicker than you can snap a cute photo.
So, it’s a good idea to be prepared for the next size up. Most newborn outfits will fit babies up to 8 or 9 pounds, but it can vary among different brands. Therefore, if you have a larger baby, they might not even fit into newborn-sized clothes to begin with. It’s also good to keep in mind the length of your baby. Long babies might need to move on to larger sizes faster just based on length rather than weight.
Alright, that should give you a pretty good starting point. Keep those adorable outfits coming, but maybe start thinking about those 0-3 month sizes sooner rather than later!

Signs Your Baby Has Outgrown Newborn Clothes
So you’ve got a drawer full of newborn outfits, but you’re starting to notice some signs that they might not be the right fit anymore. It happens, and often quicker than we’d like. One obvious cue is tightness around the arms and legs. If you’re struggling to button up those tiny onesies or noticing that the baby’s clothes are starting to look more like a second skin, that’s a pretty clear signal.
Comfort is key. If your little one seems fussy and it’s not the usual suspects like hunger or needing a diaper change, an uncomfortable outfit could be the culprit. Clothes that are too tight can also pose a suffocation risk, so it’s essential to make sure your baby’s clothes fit well. Mobility is another indicator; you want to make sure those cute outfits aren’t restricting your baby’s movements, especially as they start to explore more.
How Fast Do Newborns Change Clothes Size?
Alright, so we know babies grow fast, but how fast are we talking when it comes to outgrowing clothes? Many parents find they’re switching to the next size up in just a matter of weeks. For example, those 0-3 month sizes might be on your shopping list sooner than you expect.
Several factors can influence how quickly you’ll need to update your baby’s wardrobe. First, consider your baby’s weight and length. Some babies are born larger and will outgrow newborn baby clothes within the first week. On the other hand, smaller babies might get a bit more mileage out of those newborn sizes.
Different brands also have different sizes, so what fits in one brand may not in another. Also, some babies grow in bursts, experiencing growth spurts that might suddenly make that drawer of newborn outfits obsolete. So while there’s no straightforward answer, keep an eye on both your baby’s size and comfort level to know when it’s time to start shopping for those 3-6 month outfits.
There you have it. Clothes shopping for a newborn is almost like a sport. You need to be fast, efficient, and always one step ahead. It might seem overwhelming now, but you’ll get the hang of it. Trust me, you’re doing great!

Newborn vs 3-Month Clothing: Is 3-Month Clothing the Same as 0-3?
Alright, let’s talk sizes. If you’re staring at a pile of newborn and 0-3 month clothes, you might be wondering what the difference is. “Newborn” sizes are generally made to fit babies that are up to about 21.5 inches long and weigh up to 8 or 9 pounds. On the other hand, 0-3 month clothes are designed for babies that are a little bigger, usually up to around 12 pounds and 23.5 inches long. But remember, these are just general guidelines; different brands might have slightly different specifications.
So when is it a good idea to opt for one over the other? If you have a smaller baby or a preemie, newborn sizes might be the most practical choice initially. For larger babies, or if you expect a growth spurt soon, 0-3 month sizes might be more fitting. Having a mix of both in your baby’s wardrobe is often a smart move, especially since you won’t really know your baby’s growth rate until they’re here with you.
How Many Newborn Clothes Do I Need?
The golden question: how many of those cute newborn outfits do you really need? Well, babies are pretty unpredictable, and you might find yourself changing outfits more frequently than you’d expect—think spit-ups, diaper leaks, and all the other fun surprises newborns offer.
A general rule of thumb is to have about 10-14 onesies or bodysuits, about the same number of sleepers, and at least two or three cute outfits for special occasions. This allows you some wiggle room between laundry days. If you’ve got a baby shower coming up, maybe share this info with your guests to help them choose gifts that you’ll actually use.
If you’re wondering about other items like tiny socks or long sleeves, the weather should guide you. You’ll want more long sleeves and pants during the colder months, while short sleeves and even sun hats might be necessary when it’s hot out.
So there it is, the lowdown on newborn vs 0-3 month clothing and how many newborn clothes you’ll likely need. It’s a bit of a balancing act, but don’t worry—you’ll find what works best for you and your baby. Happy parenting!

Tips for Shopping for Newborn Clothes
Ready to hit the stores or browse online for some adorable baby fashion? Here are some quick tips. First, look for easily washable materials. Your newborn is cute but let’s face it, also a bit messy. Fabrics like cotton are usually a good choice; they’re soft on your baby’s skin and survive frequent washing well.
Secondly, consider the closure on those newborn outfits. Zippers are often quicker and easier for those middle-of-the-night outfit changes compared to buttons. I mean, who wants to fumble with buttons when you’re half-asleep, right?
Last but not least, think about the seasons. You’ll need season-appropriate clothing to ensure your baby stays comfortable. For hot weather, lightweight and breathable fabrics are essential, maybe even a cute sun hat. For cold weather, you’ll need warmer options, perhaps even layers, to maintain your baby’s body temperature.
Wrapping Up How Fast Newborns Grow Out Of Newborn Clothes
So there you have it! Whether you’re wondering how fast newborns grow out of their clothes, or how to tell when it’s time to size up, it’s all part of the parenting adventure. Being in the know about your baby’s growth and clothing needs can save you time, money, and even a bit of sanity. Keeping an eye out for cues like tightness and mobility restrictions in your baby’s clothes will help you make the switch to the next size right on time. And remember, each baby grows at their own pace, so it’s all about being responsive to their individual needs.
Now go on, enjoy dressing up your little one—they won’t be this tiny for long!